I am now officially booked for British Airlines Flight #48 from Seattle to London (Heathrow) on July 2! Red eye of course...6:45 pm to 11:50 am. From there, I'll be taking a bus from the airport directly into Cambridge. Most exciting of all, I'm booked at the Crowne Plaza Hotel (soooo nice) for the one intervening night before the dorms open on July 3 and the program officially begins! Check out their photo gallery at this link: http://www.ichotelsgroup.com/h/d/cp/1/en/hotel/cbguk/welcome/media/pt?start=1
I've also started my pre-arrival reading for the two classes that seem to require it: for Foreign Policy Analysis I'm reading Foreign Policy Theories, Actors, and Cases (Smith, Hadfield, and Dunne) and The Changing Politics of Foreign Policy (Hill), and for Terror and Faith I'm reading The Oxford Illustrated History of Tudor and Stuart England.
There have already been references to my relative John Foxe (1517-1587), author of the Book of Martyrs, in my Terror and Faith reading! I can't wait to speak to my professor about him and try to find out as much as I can when I get there. Maybe he will end up being my final paper topic... :)